Home How To How to Tell If Someone Blocked You on Facebook

How to Tell If Someone Blocked You on Facebook

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Facebook is the world’s biggest social network in the present day. With people from all across the globe and all walks of life present on the same platform, certain privacy measures are absolutely necessary. These include hiding your profile picture, private your account so that unknown people can’t see your posts and media, and so on.

But what if we only want to inhibit only one person from seeing our posts and not everyone else. Here comes the idea of blocking. Blocking comes in handy in various scenarios but mostly if someone is bullying, harassing you, sending you inappropriate content, and so on. This is more efficient than raising a complaint as it resolves the matter quickly and gives you back your peace of mind.

But like always, there is a flip side to this story. What if you are on the receiving end of a Facebook block? How would you even know if someone has blocked you on Facebook?

You will never receive a notification saying that someone has blocked you on Facebook. It is because that would be counterproductive and give the person an incentive to find other ways to reach out to the person who blocked them. But there are different ways you can find out if or not someone has blocked you. In this guide, we will be covering them in detail.

How to Tell If Someone Blocked You on Facebook
Image Courtesy: androidfist.com

How to Tell If Someone Blocked You on Facebook?

Whatever the reasons are but a person deserves to know when someone has blocked them and quick. With a Facebook block, the person becomes invisible to you, that means you won’t be able to send them messages, see their posts, or even see where they have commented.

And we need to know that for sure to avoid any misunderstanding of the situation. Because in some cases, that seems like a block might just be the case that the person has unfriended you from his/her Facebook account. We will also learn not to get confused between the two.

Not able to tag them in your posts

On Facebook, you can tag any of your friends in your posts. If this said person was your friend, you should be able to tag them in your posts. This is how you can check – Click on Create Post > Click Tag People > Enter the person’s name.

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If the name appears, then they haven’t blocked you. But if it doesn’t appear, it’s a strong signal that they have either blocked you or unfriended you.

Can’t find their posts in your feed

If you are friends with this person on Facebook, you should be able to see their posts on your feed. But if they have blocked or unfriended you, their posts won’t appear on your feed.

Not able to find their name in your friend list

If you can’t find a person’s name in your friend list, then this means that they have either blocked you or unfriended you. This is how you can check this – Click on your name on the top of the screen > Then Click on Friends and search their name.

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To check this on your phone – Click on the three horizontal lines on the top and tap your name to open your Profile > then Click on Friends and then search the person’s name from the list.

Can’t find the person’s profile by typing their name on the search

This method is applicable even if you are not friends with the said person on Facebook. Basically, you can search and find anyone’s profile on Facebook. If you can’t do so, then that means that they have blocked you.

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Not able to message them on Facebook messenger

This method works on mobile. If you are sure that this person uses Facebook Messenger and then try messaging that person on the app and it shows that “The user is unavailable,” then this means they have blocked you.

Image Courtesy: androidfist.com

Not able to open that person’s profile page

You can check this by opening your Facebook Messenger and then clicking on their name to open your profile. If the profile opens, then that means that the person hasn’t blocked you. But if it doesn’t open, then they certainly have blocked you.


With this, we come to the end of this guide, and you can be sure that if someone has blocked you or not on Facebook. We think this guide helped you and let us know if we missed out on something.


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